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About Sikhism

Sikhism (Punjabi: ਸਿੱਖੀ) meaning a “disciple”, or a “learner”, is a religion that originated in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent about the end of the 15th century. It is one of the youngest of the major world religions. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism, articulated in the sacred scripture Guru Granth Sahib, include constant spiritual meditation of God’s name, being guided by the Guru instead of yielding to capriciousness of mind or psyche, living a householder’s life instead of monasticism, truthful action to dharam (righteousness, moral duty), being of selfless service to others, equality of all human beings, and believing in God’s grace.

Basic Articles

1. Unity of God: There is but One God. He is Unborn, Omni-potent, Infinite, Formless, All-knowing and All-pervading.

2. Equality: All men are equal. God is our Mother & Father and we are His children. There is none high or low on account of birth, sex, position or riches.

3. Faith: One must have perfect faith in the Guru. The word Sikhism literally means the way of the disciple. The disciple must follow the Guru’s word.

4. Love of God: We can love God only when we cease to love ourselves. We must first destroy the ego {haumai}.

5. Character-building: If the mind is impure, it cannot deserve union with Divinity. Guru Nanak Sahib says : “Truth is no doubt great, but greater is truthful living.” The development of character is the only foundation on which the edifice of disciple-ship can be raised. Conquer the five deadly sins-lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride, Morality is an important step in the path of discipleship.

6. Nam Simran: The practice of the Name is an-essential duty of a Sikh. The Guru seeks the dust of the feet of those who remember the Name and make others remember it. Simaran is the practice of the presence of God. It is God-vision. As we think, so we become. It is by meditation that we attain to the glory and greatness of the Almighty.